The psalmist feels desperate. His oppression is physical;-
Psalm 6:2b "my bones are troubled".
His oppression is social and psychological;-
Psalm 6:3 " my soul is greatly troubled".
His oppression is spiritual ;-
Psalm 6:8 "depart from me all you workers of evil"
We need to be delivered/healed in all three areas,
since each can be noticeably limiting.
It is a blessing that help is accessible wherever we find ourselves.
Psalm 139:8 ESV If I ascend to heaven, you are there!
If I make my bed in Sheol, you are there!
Strained relationships can make us feel unwell.
We are also vulnerable when our relationship with the Lord
is out of kilter .
Psalm 38:3 ESV "There is no health in my bones because of my sin"
The psalmist does not have a professional counselor or spiritual director
or even a caring house group to pray over him.
In Psalm six the psalmist feels able to "take it to the Lord in prayer"
with most effective results.....
Adonai has heard my cry !
Adonai has heard my plea !
Adonai accepts my prayer !
Such faith, such conviction, enables the psalmist
to speak with authority,
Psalm 6:8 ESV "Depart from me all you workers of evil"
For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood,
but against rulers, against the authorities,
against the cosmic powers over this present darkness,
against spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.
So the psalmist engages with "principalities and powers" ( KJV )
when he commands with authority;-
Depart from me all you workers of evil.
How did he reach this point?
In verse three he prayed "save my life"
In Hebrew and in Latin this reads "deliver my soul"
In Septuagint Greek "nephesh" reads" life giving breath"
"my nephesh" reads " soul ".
When we are desperate ( as the psalmist was )
When our life giving breath is at risk, or even restricted,
we become aware of our own breath.....our life giving breath.....
before God in prayer.
To come in all our vulnerability before our creator and Lord,
on whom we totally depend.......,
is a helpful disposition for personal prayer.
Allow yourself to become aware of your breath.........
Be aware that you are in the presence of the Living God.
Psalm 6:2b "my bones are troubled".
His oppression is social and psychological;-
Psalm 6:3 " my soul is greatly troubled".
His oppression is spiritual ;-
Psalm 6:8 "depart from me all you workers of evil"
We need to be delivered/healed in all three areas,
since each can be noticeably limiting.
It is a blessing that help is accessible wherever we find ourselves.
Psalm 139:8 ESV If I ascend to heaven, you are there!
If I make my bed in Sheol, you are there!
Strained relationships can make us feel unwell.
We are also vulnerable when our relationship with the Lord
is out of kilter .
Psalm 38:3 ESV "There is no health in my bones because of my sin"
The psalmist does not have a professional counselor or spiritual director
or even a caring house group to pray over him.
In Psalm six the psalmist feels able to "take it to the Lord in prayer"
with most effective results.....
Adonai has heard my cry !
Adonai has heard my plea !
Adonai accepts my prayer !
Such faith, such conviction, enables the psalmist
to speak with authority,
Psalm 6:8 ESV "Depart from me all you workers of evil"
For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood,
but against rulers, against the authorities,
against the cosmic powers over this present darkness,
against spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.
So the psalmist engages with "principalities and powers" ( KJV )
when he commands with authority;-
Depart from me all you workers of evil.
How did he reach this point?
In verse three he prayed "save my life"
In Hebrew and in Latin this reads "deliver my soul"
In Septuagint Greek "nephesh" reads" life giving breath"
"my nephesh" reads " soul ".
When we are desperate ( as the psalmist was )
When our life giving breath is at risk, or even restricted,
we become aware of our own breath.....our life giving breath.....
before God in prayer.
To come in all our vulnerability before our creator and Lord,
on whom we totally depend.......,
is a helpful disposition for personal prayer.
Allow yourself to become aware of your breath.........
Be aware that you are in the presence of the Living God.