Monday, 30 January 2017


Blessed is he that considereth  the poor.                           Psalm 41:1 KJV
Blessed is he who has regard for the weak.                      Psalm41:1  NIV
How blessed is he who considers the helpless.                  Psalm41:1  NASB

1   BLESSED.....HAPPY..... FORTUNATE....                   The Message
          TO BE ENVIED
     is he who considers the weak and the poor,
     the LORD will deliver him in time of evil and trouble
2   The LORD will protect him and keep him alive:
     he shall be called blessed in the land;
     and you will not deliver him to the will of his enemies.

The grace and peace that we have in Christ is magnified
when the believer comes to have the heart of Christ toward the afflicted,
and the love of Christ for the poor, the weak, the helpless
and especially the unsaved.

Romans 5:5   NIV
God has poured out his love into our hearts
by the Holy Spirit whom he has given  us. 

There is nobody poorer, weaker or more helpless than the lost.

By grace may we have the heart of Christ for the unsaved.
Even now, may God pour out his love into our hearts
by the Holy Spirit whom He has given us,
as we seek salvation for those most in need.......
the lost in the streets of our home town today.

In the joint ministry of the Holy Spirit and the Spirit filled Christian,
truth is essential.
Truth without power,  truth without fire, is without power to accomplish
the will and the work of God..
Paul required and desired the power of Christ to rest upon him. (2 Cor 12:9)
People cannot be trained to be anointed and empowered.

"clothed with power from on high "  Luke 24:49
is what the healer and the evangelist needs.

May we hunger and thirst as deeply for the Spirit's presence and power,
as God hungers to grant this to us.
The disciples were filled with joy and the Holy Spirit, many times.
And we can be filled and refilled with the Holy Spirit, again and again.

A passion for souls grows out of a passion for Jesus Christ.
    A passion for mission builds upon the Love of Christ.
A passion for healing grows in the love of Christ.

Do you love me--- Yes Lord You know I love You--
tend my sheep                                                             John 21:16 ESV

A passion to lead others to Christ puts a different emphasis on terms
like "church growth" and "Youth ministries"
"Winning souls for Christ"is an expression used by people who have
  experienced the transforming power of the blood of Jesus.
The blood of the Lamb  and the fire of the Spirit transform the destiny
of ordinary people, both in this world and the next.