Thursday, 11 January 2018

His Wonderful Purpose

Our Lord Jesus is the same, yesterday today and tomorrow. He is still the head of the body of believers, who are bringing about the purposes of God in our day. As Jesus was manifest through the walls of the upper room to reveal himself to the disciples, today christian believers are manifest through denominational walls and sectarian boundaries to reveal the passionate love which Jesus has for everyone we meet. God loves each and every one of us. We are each part of His wonderful purpose. The world will be filled with the glory of God, as the waters  cover the sea.

Sunday, 7 January 2018

The Passionate Love Of God For Each Fellow Being

Spirituality involves personal experience and awareness. Spiritual development is personal and individual, but each person is created in the image of God to receive love and to give love and to share the love of God for each fellow creature.
From The letters of St Ignatius of Antioch ( chapter nine) ;-
You, therefore, as well as your fellow travellers , are God-bearers, temple bearers, Christ-bearers, bearers of holiness, adorned in all respects with the commandments of Jesus Christ..
So our spiritual growth and our personal spirituality is a one on one experience with " Who lives within my heart ".  And we the body of believers are busy sharing generously all the good things around us which come down from heaver above,  especially the passionate love which our Lord Jesus has for everyone we meet.

Saturday, 6 January 2018

PSALM 44 The People of God.

Psalm 44. When we read the history of The People of God, we praise the LORD for all that He has done.  With our ears we hear and with eyes we see the work of God in our day. We continually give thanks for the self revelation of God-with-us at this time. It is by your right hand O LORD and by your holy arm and by the light of your face that today, forces hostile to or prejudiced against  The People of God, are defeated decade after decade.

Friday, 5 January 2018

PSALM 43 Light and Truth..

Psalm 43,  People often need to be defended against the ungodly.....from deceit and from injustice.
Christian believers ( people of faith ) who practice an active spirituality, are frequently engaged on behalf of the oppressed. In word and deed and in effective prayer, those of us ( who stand in covenant grace ) for whom God himself is our own refuge and strength..... are able to apply His light and truth to rescue the downcast.