Saturday 21 September 2019

PSALM 49 All Hear This

A Second look at the Psalms
Psalm 49 (various translations)

Verse 1;-
Hear this all you peoples,
give ear all you nations,
listen, all who live in this world.

verse  2  (Wycliffe)
All the sons and daughters of the earth,
the sons and daughters of men,
yea the rich and the poor,
together as one.

verse 3 NKJV
My mouth shall speak wisdom,
the meditation of my heart
shall give understanding.

verse 9  ESV on for ever
and never see the pit.

verse 14 ESV
God will ransom my soul
from the power of Sheol
for He will receive me..

Thursday 19 September 2019

PSALM 48 Our Guide Forever

A second look at the Psalms
Psalm 48:3            ESV
God has made himself known as a fortress.

Psalm 48:14          ESV
            This is God
our God for ever and ever.
He will  guide us for ever.

LORD You are our refuge, our fortress,
our guide and our home....
and will continue to be.....
and will guide us....
into the ages of ages.
With a greatful heart...  AMEN.

Tuesday 17 September 2019

PSALM 47 Over All

A second look at the Psalms
Psalm 47:1-2        NRSV
Clap your hands all  you peoples
Shout to God with loud songs of joy
For the LORD ,  The Most High,
is awsome , a great King
over all the earth.

7 for God is King of all  the earth;
   sing praises with a psalm.

Yahweh rules over all

Romans 10:12-13   NRSV
The same Lord
is Lord of all
and is generous to all
who call on His name
23 for everyone who calls
on the name of the Lord
shall be saved.

There is one Lord
Jesus Christ
who gave Himself
a ransom for all.

In the Kingdom of God
we are more than citizens
we are all subjects of the King.

We ask for things which are
well pleasing to Your holy will,
in harmony with Your
loving wholesome purposes
and beneficial to all those
for whom we are praying.

Thursday 11 January 2018

His Wonderful Purpose

Our Lord Jesus is the same, yesterday today and tomorrow. He is still the head of the body of believers, who are bringing about the purposes of God in our day. As Jesus was manifest through the walls of the upper room to reveal himself to the disciples, today christian believers are manifest through denominational walls and sectarian boundaries to reveal the passionate love which Jesus has for everyone we meet. God loves each and every one of us. We are each part of His wonderful purpose. The world will be filled with the glory of God, as the waters  cover the sea.

Sunday 7 January 2018

The Passionate Love Of God For Each Fellow Being

Spirituality involves personal experience and awareness. Spiritual development is personal and individual, but each person is created in the image of God to receive love and to give love and to share the love of God for each fellow creature.
From The letters of St Ignatius of Antioch ( chapter nine) ;-
You, therefore, as well as your fellow travellers , are God-bearers, temple bearers, Christ-bearers, bearers of holiness, adorned in all respects with the commandments of Jesus Christ..
So our spiritual growth and our personal spirituality is a one on one experience with " Who lives within my heart ".  And we the body of believers are busy sharing generously all the good things around us which come down from heaver above,  especially the passionate love which our Lord Jesus has for everyone we meet.

Saturday 6 January 2018

PSALM 44 The People of God.

Psalm 44. When we read the history of The People of God, we praise the LORD for all that He has done.  With our ears we hear and with eyes we see the work of God in our day. We continually give thanks for the self revelation of God-with-us at this time. It is by your right hand O LORD and by your holy arm and by the light of your face that today, forces hostile to or prejudiced against  The People of God, are defeated decade after decade.

Friday 5 January 2018

PSALM 43 Light and Truth..

Psalm 43,  People often need to be defended against the ungodly.....from deceit and from injustice.
Christian believers ( people of faith ) who practice an active spirituality, are frequently engaged on behalf of the oppressed. In word and deed and in effective prayer, those of us ( who stand in covenant grace ) for whom God himself is our own refuge and strength..... are able to apply His light and truth to rescue the downcast.

Tuesday 12 September 2017

Psalm 46 Where we have now come

Psalm 46:4 ESV
There is a river
whose streams make glad the city of God
5 God is in the midst of her, she shall not be moved.

"The streams"of the river is an image
of the strong current of grace, in the river of living water.
The New Covenant gift of the Spirit is what Jesus calls
"Rivers of living water"

John 7:38  ESV
Whoever believes in me, as the scripture has said
"Out of the heart will flow rivers of living water"

Christians from the whole body of Christ form the new holy temple
in which dwells the presence of the living God.

Ephesians 2:19-22 ESV
So then you are no longer strangers and aliens,
but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the 
household of God. 20 built on the foundations of the apostles
and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone, 21
in whom the whole structure , being joined together, grows into
a holy temple of the Lord 22 In him you are also being built 
together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit.

Ezekiel 36:27 ESV
I will put my Spirit within you and cause you to walk in my 
statutes and be careful to obey my rules.

The History of Israel has been a troubled history; marked by internal
crises and enemy invasions. Yet it is not a chaotic history. This history
is guided by an invisible hand, powerful and tender-- the hand of God.
A river brings joy to the city of God. To the upheavals mentioned in
 the first stanza of Psalm 46, the psalmist contrasts a vision of
tranquility, the Holy City,  Jerusalem,  the church.
The pool of Shiloah, where the water entered through a tunnel in
the interior of the ramparts, assured the life of the city at the time
of siege: symbol of the secret  protection of God.
Ezekiel recalls the source which flows out of the temple,
symbol of life and birth of new life.

Ezekiel 47:1 
Then he brought me back to the door of the temple,
and behold , water was issuing from below the threshhold
of the temple toward the east (for the temple faced east)

Zechariah 14:8  ESV waters shall flow out from Jerusalem

Joel 3:18  ....and a fountain shall come forth 
                         from the house of the LORD.......

Revelation 22:1-2
Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life
bright as crystal , flowing from the throne of God and
of the Lamb through the middle of the street of the city,
and on either side of the river, the tree of life with its 
twelve kind of fruit yielding its fruit each month.
The leaves of the trees were for the healing of nations.....

Q Gregory Beeale
                              God's holy presence flowed out of
the holy of holies of Israels temple on the mount
and now spreads throughout the earth . and can now be found
wherever God's presence extends, in the person of
Christian believers.  We are the temple of the Holy Spirit.
The river which makes glad the city of our God   (Ps45:6)
flows out through you and me.

Hebrews 12:22-24  ESV
But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the 
Living  God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to innumerable
angels in festal gathering 23  and to the assembly of the 
firstborn who are enrolled in heaven, and to God, the 
judge of all, and to the spirits of the righteous made 
perfect, and to Jesus, the mediator of a new covenant,
and to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word
than the blood of Abel.

Thursday 31 August 2017

Psalm 46 We all go.

Psalm 46:6  KJV
The heathen raged,
        the kingdoms were moved
He uttered His voice
        the earth melted.

Strong empires rise and fall.
Dependable brand names fade into the archives.
Bingo halls were going to replace church buildings
but the heavenly community is a reality which cannot be harmed.

Ezekiel 43:2  And behold , the glory of the God of Israel
came from the way of the east:  and His voice was like a noise 
of many waters; and the earth shined with His glory.
John 10:4....He goeth before them,  and the sheep follow Him;
for they know his voice.
John 18:37.....Everyone that is of the truth heareth my voice.
Revelation 1:15....and His voice as many waters
Revelation 3:20 Behold I stand at the door and knock;
if any man hear my voice and open the door ,
I will come to him and will sup with him, and he with me.

Psalm 46:8  Come behold the works of the Lord.

This invitation--to the reader or listener is to receive this revelation.

Psalm 46:9  He maketh wars to cease unto the end of the earth
He breaketh the bow and cutteth the spear in sunder.
He burneth the chariot in the fire.

7463   Put an end to war and contention
to cause to bring to bring to an end.

God loves
I believe
God invites             God says come
I/we come               we all go.

Let's all go in final peace and unity.

Psalm 100   Go within his gates giving thanks
                    Enter his courts with songs of praise.

Psalm 100 ESV  Make a joyful noise to the LORD,
                                                   all the earth.
                           serve the LORD with gladness!
                           come into his presence with singing.
Psalm 122           I rejoiced when I heard them say;
                           "Let us go to the house of the LORD
                            And now our feet are standing
                             Within your gates , O Jerusalem.
Isaiah 2:3            and many people shall come and say
                         "Come let us go to the House of the Lord
                          to the house of the God of Jacob
                          that he may teach us his ways and that
                          we may walk in his paths.
Jeremiah 31:6    Arise and let us go up to Zion to the Lord our God
                          Behold I will bring them from the North country
                          and gather them from the farthest parts of the earth.
Micah 4:2         And many nations shall come and say;
                         "Come let us go up to the mountain of the Lord
                         to the house of the God of Jacob.

Refugee;-  one who, owing to religious persecution
                  or political troubles, seeks refuge in a foreign land.
                  Along with the psalmist and everyone called by God,
                  we seek refuge in God alone..
Psalm  46:7   The LORD of hosts is with us
                       the God of Jacob is our refuge
            46:11  The Lord of hosts is with us
                       The God of Jacob is our fortress.
             46:1   God is our refuge and our strength.

God himself is our refuge
it is to him that we have come..

Monday 28 August 2017

PSALM 46 We believe

Psalm 46  We believe.

  We believe
        therefore will not we fear
Our faith in God is such
       that, whatever happens,
       God himself will  bring us through.

Psalm 45:2 KJV  
      Therefore will not we fear
      though the earth be removed,
      and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea.

3372      fear and trembling,
      awe and reverence for God ,  holy respect,
      Fearing God ---motivation for Godly living---
      hence;- a God fearing person ---a devotee and follower of God.

776        the physical planet Earth.
     the Earth as opposed to  Heaven
     all the Earth ---all its inhabitants.
     the ground,  country,  territory--
     people of the land-- land of the living.

Psalm 91:5   Thou shalt not be afraid of the terror by night;
     nor for the arrow that flieth by day

Psalm 46:3 KJV  Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled,
     though the mountains shake    with the swelling thereof            

7439   Quake, shake
           as the action of horses shaking the ground
           amidst the din of battle
           making the earth tremble
           showing the awesome power of God.

Psalm 46:5  KJV   God is in the midst of her;
                                she shall not be moved !
                                God shall help her and that right early.

7130   in the midst of or among
           at the center or interior 
           near,     close enough to see or to touch
           close enough to speak to.

Previously unimaginable cataclysms, such as global warming 
or nuclear war may be possible or even imminent.
Psalm 46 says that God is  our refuge.
We believe that God is our refuge .
Neither earthquakes, floods,  nor melting ice caps
can take away our inheritance of love and resurrection
or our inheritance of eternal life.


Sunday 27 August 2017

PSALM 46 God Loves

Psalm 46   God Loves

God is our refuge because He loves each one of us.
God is our strength because He loves each one of us.
God is a very present help in trouble   because  ;-
       We are standing in the love of God.

1    God is our refuge and our strength,
     a very present help in trouble.

430    Elohim        the most common Hebrew word translated God.
                              ruler,   used of judges and angels.

Psalm 28:7   AV   The LORD is my strength and my shield.....       
               :8            He is the saving strength of His anointed.
Psalm 81:1  AV    Sing aloud unto God our Strength.
Psalm 84:5 AV    Blessed is the man whose strength is in thee...
Psalm 124:8        Our help is in the name of the LORD
                            Who made heaven and earth.

The idea of a "refuge" as from wild animals----wolves or bears---
or from bandits and brigands ,  may seem remote to those living
in "safe"  communities.  But today people seek refuge from rioters
terrorists, gangs, hooligans, and drunken mobs, all of whom
have their temporary sway.

Psalm 91:9-10   Because thou hast made the LORD,
                           which is my refuge,   even the most high,
                           thy habitation.
10                      There shall no evil befall thee.....
11                      For He shall give his angels charge over thee,
                         to keep thee in all thy ways.

Psalm 46:7   KJV   The Lord of hosts is with us

6635     a mass of persons rendering service.
             assembly or muster of soldiers collected to fight,
             to perform, to go forth to war and wage war,
             to do military service, to do sacred service.
           o LORD  an army, troops,  the host of heaven.
       the host of heaven which surrounds the throne of God.

The Lord (Jehova/Yahweh)  of hosts  is a special name for God
             This expression depicts God as the mighty Warrior,
             or all powerful King of Israel,
            and points directly to the rulership of Yahweh
            over the entire universe.
            He stands ready to intervene for His people
            at any moment.

Psalm 80:19 ESV  Restore us , O LORD God of hosts
           Let your face shine, that we may be saved
Psalm 84:1   How lovely is your dwelling place , 
           O LORD of Hosts !

Amos :13
For behold, he who forms the mountains and creates the wind,
 and declares to man his thought: who makes the morning darkness
and treads on the heights of the earth----
the LORD ,  the God of Hosts,  is His name. 

Psalm 46:11 KJV    The Lord of hosts
                                 is with us
                          the God of Jacob  is our refuge                         selah

Verse 11 fortells the coming of Jesus Christ  Immanuel   God with us.

We are not at a rally for a denomination.
We are standing in the love of God
in the presence of God who loves each of us
(  from the Hebrew meaning God with us )


Friday 25 August 2017

PSALM 46 peace of God

Psalm 46 is about hidden things concerning Jesus Christ;-
                In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge (Colossians 2:3)
which are now revealed in His incarnation and made known among the Gentiles.

Colossians 1:26-27  AV
26  Even the mystery which hath been hid from the ages and from
 generations, but now is made manifest to His saints:
27  To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of
 this mystery among the gentiles;
 which is  Christ in you,  the hope of Glory.
Here, before His incarnation, the earth was troubled with fear (Psalm 46 v2 v3
which was the fear of death. But after His incarnation, the Church no longer
fears death  (v3), because of His works,
Verse 8 come and behold the works of the Lord,
That is His death and resurrection  (early in the morning) v5
opened up the streams of the river (verse 6)
the river of God's grace to the church, in which hatred ceased.
Wars (hatred) ceased among believers and the Church (the body of Christ)
was established. For stillness in prayer replaced the tumnult of hostility. v9 v10.
Psalm 46:10 KJV
     Be still, 7503
     and know that I am God :
     I will be exalted among the heathen
     I will be exalted in the earth.

7503   to leave off,  quit,   to relax,  to stop, to desist,  to let alone,
           the relaxing of hands,  to let down the hand.

Motionless     stationary    silent   free from commotion    unruffled   quiet    calm
absence of noise or movement      without agitation
 without murmurs or complaints
lull   sooth
still and quiet     motionless     without interruptions
lulled and soothed
not anxious or fretful or complaining or boasting.

     The rich meaning of the words "be still"  bring to mind the words of Jesus
when He rebuked the wind and said to the sea  "Peace! Be still"
then the wind ceased, and there was a dead calm (Mark 4:39)
Here, children are not being asked to sit up and make less noise.
In Psalm 46: 8-10 " Come behold"  speaks to the reader and hearer
to receive a prophetic rebuke  "Be still and know that I am God".
We are to be still , and experience the presence and the power
of the Living God,     We are to displace distress and fear with heavenly peace
and to share the peace which overcomes turmoil.
                               The peace of the LORD be with you.

Thursday 24 August 2017

PSALM 46 God says Come

PSALM 46:4
New Jerusalem Prophecy
There is a river
the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God,
the holy place of the tabernacles of the Most High.
      6918                     4908                        5945

6918   considered holy by their relationship to the holy God.
pure, holy, consecrated, holy before God, completely dedicated to God, sacred.
The angels associated with God are called holy ones, intrinsically sacred.
clean, ceremonially and morally hallowed, dedicated and consecrated to God.
4908 Residence;- a shepherd's hut, animals lair, or grave.
The dwelling place or tent, especially the tabernacle in the wilderness,
The temple of Solomon.
The tabernacle was a physical and symbolical representation of God's
 presence among His people.
Jesus Christ himself is the embodiment of God's tabernacle.
Jesus described His own body as the tabernacle of God
John 2:21 But he was speaking about the temple of his body.
1st Corinthians 3:16 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God,
and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you ?
5945  Elyon   The Most High
The supreme being   ( the true God )
Elyon reflects omnipotence, universality and constancy.

Psalm 84:18.....   that men may know that thou  whose name alone is
                            are the Most High over all the earth.

Psalm 46:4-5  NKJV
4     There is a river whose streams shall make glad the city of God.
       The holy place of the tabernacle of the Most High.
5     God is in the midst of her, just at the break of dawn.

Psalm 48:1-3 NKJV
1     Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised
       In the city of our God in His holy mountain
2     Beautiful in elevation. The joy of the whole earth,
       Is Mount Zion on the sides of the North
       The city of the  Great King.
3     God is in her palaces, He is known as her refuge.

8     As we have seen
       so we have seen
       In the city of the Lord of hosts
       In the city of our God
       God will establish it for ever.

Revelation 21:1-3   NKJV
1     Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth
       for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away
       Also there was no more sea.
2     Then I John saw the holy city,  New Jerusalem,
       coming down out of heaven from God,
       prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
3    And I heard aloud voice from heaven saying,
      "Behold the tabernacle of God is with men, and 
      He shall dwell with them and they shall be his people.
     God himself will be with them and be their God.

Hebrews 12:22-24 NKJV
22     But you have come to Mount Zion, and to the city
         of the living God, The heavenly Jerusalem,
         to an innumerable company of angels
23     to the general assembly and church of the firstborn
         who are registered in heaven,   to God the judge of all,
         to the spirits of just men made perfect.
24     to JESUS  the Mediator of the new covenant.
         and to the blood of sprinkling  that speaks 
         better things than the blood of Abel.

We have an everlasting inheritance in God's eternal city,
         The New Jerusalem.

Psalm 46:5 KJV
5     God is in the midst of her;
             she shall not be moved:
       God shall help her, 
             and that right early.

7130  in the midst of or among, at the center or interior
         near, close enough to see or to touch,
                  close enough to speak to.

Previously unimaginable cataclysms, such as global warming,
or nuclear war , may now be possible or even imminent.
Psalm 46 does nor say that God will help us if we find a refuge.
Psalm 46 says that God is our refuge, our stronghold, our city,
which cannot be bombed or destroyed. God with us is also 
within us and is God for us, before during and beyond death .
   Neither earthquakes, floods, nor melting mountains can 
take away our inheritance of love, resurrection,  new heavens
and the New Jerusalem.

Revelation 22:17
And the Spirit and the bride say, Come.
And let him that heareth say , Come.
And let him that is athirst come.. 
And whosoever will , let him take the water of life freely.

Isaiah 55 1&3  AV
1     Ho, everyone that thirsteth come ye to the waters.....
3     Incline your ear, and come unto me : 
       hear and your soul shall live.

Monday 10 July 2017

PSALM 42 Having Walked with God

Psalm 42:1-5 Tanakh Translation
Like a hind crying for water, my soul cries for You, O God;
my soul thirsts for God, the living God;
O when will I come to appear before God!
My tears have been my food, day and night;
I am ever taunted with,  "Where is your God?"
When I think of this , I pour out my soul;
how I walked with the crowd, moved with them,
the festive throng, to the house of God with joyous shouts of praise.
Why so downcast, my soul, why disquieted within me ?
Have hope in God; I will yet praise Him for His saving presence. 

The psalmist sings of his need for God. He sings of his own strong
desire to know God's presence.  David has experienced God's presence.
He is a man who has walked with God, That memory is within him
because he has experienced the presence of God. That memory sustains
him and motivates him, to get on with it, to keep going and to continue
to put his shoulder to the plough
The memory of Chris's presence enables and sustains us. When together
we invoke the memory of Christ,  His presence in our memory is a
unifying shared experience.       At that moment we are greatly unified .

The people of the bombed church in Sudan are members of my church.
The young woman jailed and under sentence of death in Pakistan is
a member of my church..

We stand in the prayers of many who pray 
"First for all men"

Tuesday 21 February 2017

The waiting body of Christ revealed in the Psalms

As members of the body of Christ,  our eyes wait upon the Lord our God.
Individually we can say "Unto thee lift I up mine eyes" Psalm 123:1
"Thee is the familiar term",
just as we each might say "Glory be to the Father, and to thee Lord Jesus,
                                            and to the Holy Spirit.
We each walk with Jesus who is with us  ( God - With - Us ),
When we open our mouths in prayer and the Holy Spirit gives us utterance
                                            we pray in the Spirit.

Psalm 123:1-2  KJV
1     Unto thee lift I up mine eyes.
       O thou that dwellest in the heavens,
2     Behold, as the eyes of servants look unto
            the hand of their masters,
       And as the eyes of a maiden unto the hand of her mistress;
       So our eyes wait upon the LORD our God. 

Psalm 25:5 NASB
1     To You, O LORD, I lift up my soul,

4     Make me know Your ways, O LORD;
             teach me Your paths.
5     Lead me in Your truth and teach me
             for you are the God of my salvation;
             for you I wait all day.

As individual believers we address our LORD
asking Him to teach and lead us.
"Make me know your ways"    is a one to one request
for  one to one revelation.

We all need the same saviour
and to be in harmony with the rest of the body of Christ,
We need to be filled with the same Spirit.

Psalm 130 :  5-6  NKJV
5     I wait for the LORD, my soul waits
       And in His word I do hope.
6     My soul waits for the Lord
       More than those who watch for the morning ---
       Yes, more than those who watch for the morning.

Our lives are focused on our Lord,
on His purposes and the inclinations of His heart.
We put our trust in Him and His word.
Our hopes arise from and are founded in the word of God.

For different people a new dawn can signal;-
the first day of a new job,
the end of a prison sentence,
the day of your driving test
your birthday
your operation
the day you fly off on holiday,
election day,
the day of your exam results,
the day you move into your new home,
the day you are called to active service,
the day you inherit a fortune,
or your first day at school.

But for members of the body of Christ,
more than all those waiting for the morning,
our soul waits for the Lord
"From the morning watch even till night"  Douay - Rheims  Bible.

Psalm 110:3  
Your people will be volunteers in the day of your power;
In the beauty of holiness
from the womb of the morning
You have the dew of your youth.

The nature of the members of the body of Christ is shown here ;-
they are volunteers.
In the beauty of holiness, and right from the start,
the blessing of heaven rests on them !
These messengers of God are a cohort of courage and love,
riding out in the love of Jesus,
in the power of the holy spirit,
and in heavenly blessing.

Psalm 25:21 KJV
Let integrity and uprightness preserve me
for I wait in Thee.

Psalm 27:14 KJV
Wait on the LORD
Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart.
Wait I say on the LORD.

Those who wait on the Lord  have integrity, and uprightness,
are of good courage and are strengthened in heart
by the Lord on whom they wait.

Psalm 38:20 NASB
Our soul waits for the LORD;
He is our help and our shield.

Psalm 37:7-9 + 34
7    Rest in the LORD and wait patiently for Him
      Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way
      because of the man who carries out wicked schemes.
8    Cease from anger and forsake wrath
      Do not fret, it leads only to evildoing.
9    For evildoers will be cut off
      But those who wait on the Lord will inherit the land
34  Wait for the LORD and keep His way
      And he will exalt you to inherit the land
      When the wicked are cut off, you will see it.

We have to keep our focus on the LORD
We need to continue in His love and remember that His purpose
for us , is the most wholesome  and the most awesome .
Putting our trust in our Lord, to enable and protect us,
We are not to be distracted by the wicked who prosper.
We are not to fret at those who take legal shortcuts
at the expense of the upright.
In the body of Christ we do not fret.
We are at one, in harmony with the Lord's loving purposes.
Everyone in the body of Christ  is looking at the hand of our master,
eagerly, with loving intent to do our Lord's bidding.
The loving harmony in the body of Christ
is uplifting and the hymn of the angels.

Psalm 39:7  NASB
And now, LORD for what do I wait ?
      my hope is in you.

Psalm 40:1 NASB
I waited patiently for the LORD
      and He inclined to me and heard my cry.

Ephesians 4:11-12 NASB
11     And He gave some as apostles and some as prophets,
         and some as evangelists; and some as pastors and teachers.
12     for the equiping of the saints for the work of service,
         to the building up of the body of CHRIST.

We believers, the 21st Century members of the body of Christ;
are waiting and focusing on the LORD, in whom our hope rests.

"We believe  in the power of partnership.
When people with the same heart are willing to serve one another
with different giftings, we can see extraordinary things happen."
                                                             LONDON CITY MISSION
1 Peter 4:10 ESV
As each person has received a gift, use it to serve one another
as good stewards of God's varied grace.

This is a call to love filled unity

Psalm 52: 8-9 NASB
8     I am like a green olive tree in the house of God.
       I trust in the loving kindness of God for ever and ever
9     I will give You thanks forever, because You have done it,
       and I will wait on your name, for it is good,
       in the presence of Your godly ones.

In the body of CHRIST , we are each like flourishing olive trees.
We completely trust in the goodness of God.
We are full of gratitude and give thanks for all that the Lord has done
and continues to do.
We wait on His Name : We focus on His authority.
As part of the body of Christ we wait in His righteousness.
We wait in the righteous fellowship of the body of Christ.

Psalm 62 : 1-2 NASB
1     My soul waits in silence for God only;
       From Him is my salvation.
2     He is my rock and my salvation,
       My stronghold; I shall not be greatly shaken.
Psalm 62 : 5-6-7  NLT
5     I wait quietly before God,
           for my hope is in Him.
6     He alone is my rock and my salvation,
       my fortress where I shall not be shaken,
7     my salvation and my honour come from God alone.
       He is my refuge, a rock where no enemy can reach me.

Waiting on His Name does indicate our giving the Lord
our loving attention ;-
attention to His will ,  His word,  His love ,  His purpose,  and His authority.
His word illuminates what we are currently called to do in the body of Christ.
In the body of Christ we wait only upon God, because our expectations is from Him.
He is our refuge; where no enemy can reach us !  This too adds something
for those currently in the fellowship of those who are waiting on the LORD.

Psalm 145:15  KJV,  The eyes of all wait upon thee:
Psalm 145:15  NASB   The eyes of all look to you

Psalm 147:11   NLT
the Lord's delight is in those who honor Him,
those who put their hope in His unfailing love.
Those who wait for His loving kindness.

Wednesday 1 February 2017


In Psalm 41 verse 1-3 David reveals the heart of God towards the poor.
and the heart of God towards those who share the same passion for the poor.

Spirit filled believers stand in the grace of the LORD.
This grace transforms our hearts to be good natured,
sympathetic and to have  compassion for the poor, and
a strong desire to understand their concerns and to meet
their needs.

We barely understand all that the LORD JESUS  has done for us
on Calvary. But we know that whatever we do for the poor and afflicted,
we  "do unto Him".
So when you comb the old man's hair and make him comfortable,
the eyes that look back to you are the eyes of Christ.
It is in us to bless and deliver the person who is having a bad day,
or a difficult moment. Blessing and delivering become our
worthwhile ministry.
Salvation and healing is the most pressing need.

Neither love nor the action of the holy spirit
are restricted to a building
or a denomination,
but the joy  of love and the action of the HOLY SPIRIT
within each of us, can transform our own community. 

Monday 30 January 2017


Blessed is he that considereth  the poor.                           Psalm 41:1 KJV
Blessed is he who has regard for the weak.                      Psalm41:1  NIV
How blessed is he who considers the helpless.                  Psalm41:1  NASB

1   BLESSED.....HAPPY..... FORTUNATE....                   The Message
          TO BE ENVIED
     is he who considers the weak and the poor,
     the LORD will deliver him in time of evil and trouble
2   The LORD will protect him and keep him alive:
     he shall be called blessed in the land;
     and you will not deliver him to the will of his enemies.

The grace and peace that we have in Christ is magnified
when the believer comes to have the heart of Christ toward the afflicted,
and the love of Christ for the poor, the weak, the helpless
and especially the unsaved.

Romans 5:5   NIV
God has poured out his love into our hearts
by the Holy Spirit whom he has given  us. 

There is nobody poorer, weaker or more helpless than the lost.

By grace may we have the heart of Christ for the unsaved.
Even now, may God pour out his love into our hearts
by the Holy Spirit whom He has given us,
as we seek salvation for those most in need.......
the lost in the streets of our home town today.

In the joint ministry of the Holy Spirit and the Spirit filled Christian,
truth is essential.
Truth without power,  truth without fire, is without power to accomplish
the will and the work of God..
Paul required and desired the power of Christ to rest upon him. (2 Cor 12:9)
People cannot be trained to be anointed and empowered.

"clothed with power from on high "  Luke 24:49
is what the healer and the evangelist needs.

May we hunger and thirst as deeply for the Spirit's presence and power,
as God hungers to grant this to us.
The disciples were filled with joy and the Holy Spirit, many times.
And we can be filled and refilled with the Holy Spirit, again and again.

A passion for souls grows out of a passion for Jesus Christ.
    A passion for mission builds upon the Love of Christ.
A passion for healing grows in the love of Christ.

Do you love me--- Yes Lord You know I love You--
tend my sheep                                                             John 21:16 ESV

A passion to lead others to Christ puts a different emphasis on terms
like "church growth" and "Youth ministries"
"Winning souls for Christ"is an expression used by people who have
  experienced the transforming power of the blood of Jesus.
The blood of the Lamb  and the fire of the Spirit transform the destiny
of ordinary people, both in this world and the next.

Tuesday 13 September 2016

PSALM 40 A Heart for Your City

Psalm 40, Starting with the first verse of the next Psalm,
we can see where we are going.

Psalm 41:1  Revised English Bible
Happy is anyone who has concern for the helpless !
The LORD will save him in time of trouble.

Those who pray for their own neighbourhood -- for their
own town, and for the people in their own streets,
often pray from grateful thankful hearts, having been lifted
personally from distress and oppression.

Psalm 40:1-2 Revised English Bible
1   Patiently I waited for the LORD.
     He bent down to me and listened to my cry.
2   He raised me out of the miry pit, out of the mud and clay
     He set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm footing.
3   On my lips he put a new song, a song of praise to my God.

Our personal experience of being lifted out of ill health, debt,
homelessness, unemployment, drink, gambling, or drugs
gives us a heart for those who still bear the weight of such burdens.
We'll be praying the heart of God for our community,
      praying with the heart of Christ.
On taking Jesus to raise the broken on our streets,
we can tell them  not only that God loves them/us
but also that He has a great purpose for each of their/our lives.
In Spirit and Truth we identify in love with the people we are praying for.
We can pray inclusive prayer on behalf of our community, and this is how
we should pray:     Matthew 6:9-13 Revised English Bible.
Our Father in heaven, may your name be hallowed;
your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us the wrong we have done,
as we have forgiven those who have wronged us,
And do not put us to the test, but save us from the evil one.

1st Samuel  2:8  Revised English Bible
He lifts the weak out of the dust
and raises the poor out of the refuse heap.

There is one church;- the body of Christ.
Members of the body of Christ are one in the Spirit
with the whole body of Christ.
In Him we live and move and have our being in the unity of the Spirit.
We need to know our own poverty and our own need.
We need to know the poverty and need of those we pray for..
May all that Jesus achieved for us on the cross of Calvary
flow unrestricted to the people in the community we pray for.

Seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you.....
and pray to the Lord on it's behalf.     Jeremiah 29:7 NRSV 

Saturday 23 July 2016

PSALM 40 From Waiting to Worshipping

Psalm 40:1-3 NIV
I waited patiently for the LORD;
   he turned to me and heard my cry.
He lifted me out of the slimy pit,
   out of the mud and mire;
he set my feet on a rock
   and gave me a firm place to stand.
He put a new song in my mouth,
   a hymn of praise to our God.
Many will see and fear 
   and put their trust in the Lord.

Waiting on the Lord is an act of prayer
  Worshipping the Lord is an act of prayer.
From waiting to worshipping is progression in prayer.
The prayer of faith and hope and trust can lead to the
prayer of waiting. It is an active prayer which we make
before our creator.  It is the prayer of the redeemed.
The prayer of the redeemed is heard by the Lord of the universe.
In spirit and Truth, the new song in our mouth is a hymn to God
A gracious and powerful work of the Holy Spirit
lifts our prayer from waiting to worship.

Psalm 40:7-8 NIV
Then I said ,"Here I am, I have come-
  it is written about me in the scroll.
I desire to do your will, O my God;
 your law is within my heart.

Psalm 40:7 is quoted in Hebrews 10:7

Hebrews 10:7 NIV
Then I said, "Here I am-- 
  it is written about me in the scroll--
I have come to do your will. O God."

Hebrews 10:10 NIV
And by that will, we have been made holy through the
 sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.

Hebrews 10:19-23 NIV
Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter
the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, by a new 
and living way opened for us through the curtain,
that is, his body,  and since we have a great high priest
over the house of God,  let us draw near to God  with a 
sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts
sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and
having our bodies washed with pure water. Let us 
hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for 
he who promised is faithful.

In the power of the Spirit we engage with our Creator
and with our Redeemer.

Psalm 40:16 NIV
But may all who seek you rejoice and be glad in You.

Monday 18 July 2016

PSALM 40 From Celebration to Adoration

Psalm 40:3   New International Version
"He put a new song in my mouth,"
Who did that ?......God !
It is divine action which animates our song
and fills our hearts with praise.
3  He put a new song in my mouth,
    a hymn of praise to our God.
    Many will see and fear
    and put their trust in the LORD.

This is revival. Our Spirit filled worship will inspire many
"to fear God and put their trust in Him"
Again it is divine action which causes our own hearts
to love and to trust in our LORD.
We will urgently turn aside from all that is false.
8  I desire to do your will, O my God
    your law is within my heart.
We realize in our own heart that God's law is the will of God.
That is what is in His heart for us !
When that realization informs our desire, then our celebration
moves to adoration, for the God whose heart is for us.

Psalm 149:3-4 NIV
3 Let them praise his name with dancing
  and make music to him with tambourine and harp
4For the LORD takes delight in his people;
  he crowns the humble with salvation.
5 Let the saints rejoice in this honour
   and sing with joy on their beds.

We each have our own experience of prayer, praise and thanksgiving
but when we come to celebrate in our hearts,(on our beds or in public)
 are we conscious of moving from celebration to adoration ?
To celebrate is to mark something with festivity and rejoicing,
to publicly rejoice, to observe and honour enthusiastically with joy.
At a celebration today, we have balloons and streamers, disco lights
and happy music. We show our happiness publicly .
To celebrate is to have a party. Celebration is an expression of
gladness and joy made publicly with others who are happy
for the same reason .
To move from a heart felt experience of joyful celebration into
a heartfelt experience of adoration is a conscious move from
one experience of joy and love to a changed experience of
joy and love, great affection and ardent love, this is an internal experience,
made even greater in the realization that it is shared by all around us.
Shared adoration is possible when all present love. hold precious,
and revere our God, and are in complete harmony in worship
of God-with-us, God-for-us, our Creator and Redeemer.
Psalm 40:16 NIV
But may all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you;
may those who love your salvation always say,
"the LORD be exalted.

Friday 1 July 2016

PSALM 39 The Humility of God

Psalm 113 NKJV

4 The LORD is high  above all nations,
   His glory above the heavens.

5 Who is like the LORD our God,
   Who dwells on high.

6 Who humbles himself to behold
   the things that are in the heavens
   and in the earth.

7 He raises the poor out of the dust
   And lifts the needy out of the ash heap.

Greed, envy, violence, selfishness, injustice, oppression, intolerance,
and the lack of law and order do ensure that there are still poor and needy
people in our time, in our town and not far away.

Psalm 39:4-6 NKJV
4  LORD, make me to know my end,
    And what is the measure of my days,
    That I may know how frail I am.

5  Indeed, You have made my days as hand breadths,
    And my age is nothing before You:
    Certainly every man at his best state
    is but a vapour.

6  Surely every man walks about like a shadow;
    Surely they busy themselves in vain;
    He heaps up riches,
   And does not know who will gather them.

When we see our limitations,
we are at the  beginning, of wisdom and humility.
We are present to God. to God's heart of wisdom love and humility.
May God's heart of wisdom, love and humility be in us.
It is the heart of God to humble himself.
It is the heart of God to raise the poor and needy
right out of their poverty and need.

We really need humility,
if we intend to engage ourselves in those things
which are the will of God,
those very things which are in our God's  heart.

Lord please grant us the wisdom love and humility
which we need to be the people You want us to be.  Amen

Thursday 2 June 2016

PSALM 39 Now His Image

Jeremiah 20:9  RSV
"there is . . . . . a burning fire shut up in my bones,
and I am weary with holding it in, and I cannot.

Psalm 39:2-3  RSV
2   I was dumb and silent.
        I held my peace to no avail.;
     my distress grew worse,
3      my heart burned within me.
    As I muse, the fire burned;
        then I spoke with my tongue:

Luke 24:32 RSV
They said to each other, "Did our hearts not burn within us
while we talked on the road,
while he opened to us the scriptures.

Psalm 90:12 RSV  So teach us to number our days
                               that we may get a heart of wisdom.

Amos 3:8  RSV  The lion has roared; who will not fear,
The Lord God has spoken; who can but prophesy ?

      What David spoke with his tongue, was a prayer;-
Psalm 39:4 RSV   "Lord let me know my end,
                and what is the measure of my days
                let me know how fleeting life is ! "
David is quoting Psalm 90:12 (above) which is headed ;-
                 A prayer of Moses, the Man of God.
The triune God is still speaking to us, through David and through Moses
The Lord Jesus spoke to the two disciples on the road to Emmaus.
David asks for insight. "let me know" twice in verse 4.
Moses asks for insight "teach us"
The two disciples received insight on the road to Emmaus ;-
"he opened to us the scriptures."
The self revelation of the living God can give rise to
the experience of inner stirrings in the people of God.
Psalm 39:6 RSV Surely man goes about as a shadow!
The Hebrew word for shadow (verse 6) is selem    H6754 in Strongs
which occurs in Genesis 1:27 where it means "in the image"
The shadow of your hand on a wall is the image of your hand.
The image in which we are made is the image of God.
In our fleeting life, every person is a shadow  ( Psalm 39:6 )
each one is the image of  God.
Genesis 1:27 RSV  So God created man in his own image,
in the image of God he created him; male and female
he created them.
Whatever our circumstances now,
We are the image of God,
His shadow in this changing world.
In the likeness of God ,
we live and move and have our being

Monday 30 May 2016

PSALM 39 Now a Witness

There, "others" become our brothers and sisters,
as you and they are seen as vital members of the
One Body of Christ,
Christlike gentleness replaces all aggressive thoughts and behaviour.
Loyalties to sports teams, street gangs, armed militia, clans and cliques
political parties, sectarian orders, lodges, associations and social castes.,
all disappear totally.
As we read Psalm 39,  we see that God recognizes that our outcry is an act of trust
Psalm 39:8 ERV   " Don't let me be treated like a fool.".
Down here,  The enemy need not be a hostile political force plotting against David.
It may be the one who has mocked David by refusing him hospitality (1Sam 25:39)
David's daughter Tamar was very badly treated by her half brother Amnon.
The prayer " Do not make me the scorn of a fool" Psalm 39:8 NRSV
is the prayer of the people of God who have been badly treated by "wicked fools"

Our lives down here "speak" as part of the body of Christ.
Our lives  "speak" revelation of the love of God.
the voice of the Trinity speaks through our attitudes and through
what is actually accomplished in the world, through our lives.
In Moses, David, and all the good Samaritans..,  The Trinity spoke,and still speaks,
  like Facebook messages, delivering God's word down the centuries,
Psalm 39:4 ERV
How long will I live
Let me know how short my life is.
We play our short lives on  stage which is in full view of the hosts of heaven
where all are our brothers and sisters.
Mark 12:25 ESV
For when they raise from the dead, they neither marry nor are given in 
marriage, but are like angels in heaven.
We are encompassed about by so great a cloud of witnesses.
Hebrews 12:1 KJV
Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud
of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily
beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.

Luke 15:  7 and 10 KJV
I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner
that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons which 
need no repentance.
10 Likewise I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the 
angels of God, over one sinner that repenteth.

Christ's life in us is evident.
Our prayer, in the power of the Spirit;
our goodwill and generosity in the love of Jesus;
Our every act in the will of our heavenly Father.
is a witness to heaven and earth and all eternity.

so that through the church the manifold wisdom of God
might now be made known to the rulers and authorities
in heavenly places,                                         Ephesians 3:10 ESV

Sunday 22 May 2016

PSALM 38 Now in Steadfast Love

In Psalm 38, the psalmist is praying and telling God that he feels
Pitiable     Abandoned     and   Betrayed.
He does not rebel. He knows that he has made serious mistakes,
He has made wrong decisions.  His accusers are justified
because his behaviour has been bad.  So he suffers in silence,
knowing it has been his own fault.
Socially he is at rock bottom. It has even affected his health.

This   could be the story of a person who has run away from
their responsabilities ;  a person who has damaged his life
and his family through drink , or debt,  through gambling or
drugs,  through embezelment, fraud, dishonesty, theft, with or
without violence, leading to prison, mental breakdown, and,
homelessness .  This sounds terrible,.......really bad,.......but
when someone becomes vulnerable, unless they get really timely
help and very good advice, the decline from manageable
problems to depression, loss of dignity and self respect , can be
rapid and shocking  to the victim.  Such circumstances can isolate
people from those who might have been any support.

We must not abandon such a person, but come quickly to their aid.
as a "Good Samaritan", first to sympathize with their grief and
exhaustion, then to release them from their traps.
Homelessness is a trap.  Debt is a trap.
Hunger is a painful trap. Dependence is a trap.
Lack of good health can be a very restricting trap.

With the mind of Christ, we can appreciate the shock of
bereavement or natural disaster, like fire or flood,
becoming redundant, or becoming bankrupt or loosing good health.
But it does happen every day to ordinary men and women,

In Psalm 38 NCV the psalmist prays;-
22,   Do not abandon me, O LORD;
        my God, do not remain far from me.
16    I place my hope in you, O LORD:
        You, O LORD, my God, will answer for me.
10   O LORD, all my longing is known to you
       and my sighs are not hidden from you.
23   Come quickly to my aid, O LORD, my Saviour.

In his prayer the psalmist expresses his hope.
When we find that we are the victim,
we can turn with the psalmist to the one true God
We have an anchor that keeps the soul
Steadfast and sure when the billows roll.
An anchor for the soul, firm and secure  Hebrews 6:19 ESV. .
And when it is our turn to be the "Good Samaritan,"
in the love of Jesus, may we appreciate the distress of the downtrodden
then as the people of God, may we be strong in the Spirit,
and minister well  with a good heart to see that they (the downtrodden)
are set free from the causes of their distress.

Thursday 14 April 2016

PSALM 37, Forever In God's Steadfast Love.

Your steadfast love, O LORD                                              Ps.36:5
extends to the heavens.
How precious is your steadfast love.                                   Ps 36:7

O continue your steadfast love                                            Ps36:10
to those who know you
In God's steadfast love,
Fret not because of evildoers.                                             Ps37:1
In God's steadfast love,
be not envious of wrongdoers.                                           Ps37:1

Trust in God,  who redeems your life from the Pit
who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy.               Ps103:4

Lean on God, in His steadfast love                                   Ps37:3                                 .
Rely on God, and His steadfast love.

Be confident in God's steadfast love.                                Ps37:3
Be still before the LORD
and wait patiently in God's steadfast love.                        Ps 37:7                            
Wait in hope, on God's steadfast love.                              Ps37:34
Be still and rest in God's steadfast love.

Commit your way to the Lord,                                          Ps37:5
and trust in Him,  in His steadfast love.

Cease from anger,                                                              Ps 37:8
Forsake wrath,     in God's steadfast love.

Deal kindly,                                                                        Ps 37:21
Deal graciously    in God's steadfast love.                         Ps 37:26

Be merciful,  in God's steadfast love                                 Ps37:26
Do good,  in God's steadfast love
Give liberally  in God's steadfast love                              Ps 37:26.

The mouth of the righteous man utters wisdom               Ps37:30
and his tongue speaks with justice,  in God's steadfast love.

There is a happy end for the man of peace,                      Ps37:37
                                in God's steadfast love.

Take delight in the Lord, in His steadfast love.                Ps 37:4
The LORD is merciful and gracious                                Ps 103:8
slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.

Dwell forever in God's  steadfast love.

I will sing of your steadfast love, O LORD forever;
I will proclaim your faithfulness to all generations.          Ps 89:1

Sunday 10 April 2016

PSALM 36 Steadfast Love

In Psalm 36 we find two ways of looking at life.
Verses one to four show fallen men's way of looking at life.
Fallen man's values affect fallen mans wants
 and lead to the fallen man's way.

Psalm 36:1-4  "The Message"
The God-rebel tunes into sedition--
all ears,  eager to sin.
He has no regard for God,
he stands insolent before him.
He has smooth-talked himself
into believing
That his evil will never be noticed.
Words gutter from his mouth,
     dishwater dirty.
Can't remember when he
     did anything decent.
Every time he goes to bed,
     he fathers another evil plot.
When he's loose on the streets,
     nobody's safe.
He plays with fire
     and doesn't care who gets burned.

Verse 5-9 is the way of looking at life through God,s revelation.
Life based on knowing God.
Life based on knowing the presence of God.
Life based on knowing God's steadfast love.
A life which exudes the love of Christ.
A way of life, lived in God's presence, in God's love.

In contrast to the way of the wicked (in verse 1-4),
when the light of Christ dwells deep in the hearts of God fearing people,
their humility is evident......
the words of their mouths are honest, wholesome and wise.
they plan to bless
and are set on a way that is good.
By reflecting on the word of God (on our beds)
and relating the word of God to our own lives
we can see where our lives are Christlike and where we fall short.
This is not an academic exercise.
We first pray to God with us, who has always been with us,
and knows us inside out, like on old friend, like a parent who has watched
over us with concern and tenderness and wisdom, and ask Him to reveal
the meaning of His words.

Psalm 36:5-6  NRSV
5     Your steadfast love, O LORD, extends to the heavens,
               your faithfulness to the clouds.
6     Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains
               your judgments are like the great deep
       you save humans and animals alike, O LORD.
7     How precious is your steadfast love , O God !

Tuesday 29 March 2016

PSALM 35 In Time of Persecution

We pray for the people of God in various parts
of the world, who are experiencing discrimination and
segregation, malpractice and injustice, oppression
and persecution, forced confession and torture.
In many countries ,underprivileged Christians suffer
underprivileged housing, underprivileged education,
underprivileged medical care  and underprivileged
job opportunities .
Yet, not only do we turn to God to seek refuge in Him,....
He is with us in our situations and we can see that
God will always be with us.

God's people fast and pray for our oppressors.
Psalm 35 : 13 The New Jerusalem Bible
But I, when they were ill, had worn sackcloth 
   and mortified myself with fasting,
praying ever anew in my heart,
   as if for a friend or brother; ...... 

We pray as servants of God (Psalm 35:27)

Matthew 5:44 NJB
But I say this to you, Love your enemies
and pray for those who persecute you;

But unprovoked persecution of Christians
continues today in the face of prayer and
in spite of the generosity of Christian aid.
Our oppressors do not see the manifestations
 of  God that we see.
Psalm 35:5-6 NJB
5   May they be like chaff  before the wind,
with the angel of Yahweh to chase them 
May their way be dark and slippery,
with the angel of  Yahweh to hound them.

    God is not mocked !

Psalm 34:7 NJB
The angel of the LORD encamps
     round those who fear him.
         and delivers them.

We have spent our lives praying that the LORD'S will be done.
 Here in psalm 35 we must leave things in the hands of God
In the face of pain, rape, forced marriage and bombed churches.......
            O LORD, THY WILL BE DONE
,,,,,,and it will be so.
Terrorists, extremists, and  suicide bombers
will face the judgement of God.                        AMEN.

Saturday 19 March 2016

PSALM 34 Taste and see

May every person come to live in the context of Your presence, LORD.

Psalm 34:18     The Lord is near to the brokenhearted.

May we all be awake , physically, mentally and spiritually
to your presence, God with us.

Psalm 34:3       O magnify the Lord with me 
                                 and let us extol his name together.

In grateful joy we bless the Lord at all times (v1)
mentally,  with our thoughts,
physically, with our mouth and voice,......
and,   one in the Spirit.

Psalm 34:8      Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good.
Gustate et videte quoniam sauvis est Dominus beatus vir qui sperat eo.

In the end "to  taste and see that the Lord is good"
is to experience the life of Christ within us.
For as we invite God into our lives,
we surrender ourselves to Him.
and we begin  to "taste Him"
 and to experience Him for who He is;-
our Creator, Redeemer and enabling Counselor.
The giving of one's self to the Lord
is a permanent thing.
From the moment we ask Jesus to come into our heart,
our life is for evermore bathed in the light of Christ's presence.

Psalm 34:5  Those who look to Him are radiant.

We are bathed in the light of Christ's presence.

1 Peter 2: 1,2,3 N.I.V.
1      Therefore,  rid yourselves of all malice 
        and all deceit , hypocrisy, envy and 
        slander of any kind.
2     Like newborn babies , crave  for  pure
       spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up
       into  your salvation----
3     now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.

This psalm is all about our personal life with God.
The very name Immanuel indicates God's everlasting
intent to be God-With-Us .
The invitation to "taste and see" indicates God's intention
that this should  be our personal experience .

Psalm 34 N.I.V.
15   The eyes of the LORD are on the righteous

22   no one will be condemned who take refuge in Him.

Thursday 10 March 2016

PSALM 33 Family of God

In Psalm 32, gratitude is expressed for being admitted to a
community of forgiveness and reconciliation.
In Psalm 33, there is comfort in being able to trust that
the Lord's plans are beneficial for us individually, and
for all humankind.
The Lord's victory is victory for each of us and  victory
for every community which put's it's trust in Him, and in the
working out of His purposes in heaven and on earth.
We pray;
 Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

In Psalm 33, we enter a community of Joy, because we are
a blessed nation whose hope is in His loving kindness.
We are a community of people where every heart rejoices in Him.
Psalm 33:21 N.A.S.B.
For our hearts rejoice in Him
because we trust in His holy name.

2nd Corinthians 6:16  + 18 NASB
For we are the temple of the living God; just as God said,
     "I will dwell in them and walk among them
       And I will be their God
       and they shall be my people.
18   And I will be a father to you
       And you shall be my sons and daughters to me.
       Says  the Lord Almighty.

Those who are begotten of God, are children of God.
For us the gates of God's kingdom are open
for we are the family of God.

Psalm 33:22 NIV
May your unfailing love rest upon us ,O Lord
even as we put our hope in you.

Human plans can easily come to naught, but
God's plans are eternal.

Psalm 33:10-11 NASB
       The Lord nullifies the counsel of the nations;
       He frustrates the plans of the peoples,
       The counsel of the LORD stands forever
       The plans of His heart from generation to generation.
       Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD.

The Lord brings the counsel of nations to nothing.      Ps 33:10
Come out from their midst and be separated            2 Cor 6:17
Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord                 Ps33:12
You are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood,
a holy nation.                                                               1 Pet 2:9
Not every generation has the choice not to be bound
to those nations which will be brought to nothing.