Sunday, 10 April 2016

PSALM 36 Steadfast Love

In Psalm 36 we find two ways of looking at life.
Verses one to four show fallen men's way of looking at life.
Fallen man's values affect fallen mans wants
 and lead to the fallen man's way.

Psalm 36:1-4  "The Message"
The God-rebel tunes into sedition--
all ears,  eager to sin.
He has no regard for God,
he stands insolent before him.
He has smooth-talked himself
into believing
That his evil will never be noticed.
Words gutter from his mouth,
     dishwater dirty.
Can't remember when he
     did anything decent.
Every time he goes to bed,
     he fathers another evil plot.
When he's loose on the streets,
     nobody's safe.
He plays with fire
     and doesn't care who gets burned.

Verse 5-9 is the way of looking at life through God,s revelation.
Life based on knowing God.
Life based on knowing the presence of God.
Life based on knowing God's steadfast love.
A life which exudes the love of Christ.
A way of life, lived in God's presence, in God's love.

In contrast to the way of the wicked (in verse 1-4),
when the light of Christ dwells deep in the hearts of God fearing people,
their humility is evident......
the words of their mouths are honest, wholesome and wise.
they plan to bless
and are set on a way that is good.
By reflecting on the word of God (on our beds)
and relating the word of God to our own lives
we can see where our lives are Christlike and where we fall short.
This is not an academic exercise.
We first pray to God with us, who has always been with us,
and knows us inside out, like on old friend, like a parent who has watched
over us with concern and tenderness and wisdom, and ask Him to reveal
the meaning of His words.

Psalm 36:5-6  NRSV
5     Your steadfast love, O LORD, extends to the heavens,
               your faithfulness to the clouds.
6     Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains
               your judgments are like the great deep
       you save humans and animals alike, O LORD.
7     How precious is your steadfast love , O God !

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