Psalm 50:15 English Standard Version
15 and call on me in the day of trouble;
I will deliver you , and you shall glorify me.
Who is speaking in Psalm 50 verse 15 ?
Psalm 50:1 New Catholic Version
The Lord , God of gods, has spoken.
In Hebrew , a threefold formula for the divine
name that can be translated as
" The Mighty One, God, the Lord ".
Psalm 50:1 Tree of Life Version
God, Elohim, ADONAI has spoken.
Ps 50:6 ESV for God himself is judge
Ps 50:14 ESV perform your vows to the Most High
Ps 50: 14 Tof L fulfill your vows to Elyon
Ps 50:21 NJB You do this, and am I to say nothing ?
Do you think that I am really like you ?
Ps 50:22 NCV Remember this, you who forget God (Eloah)
Ps 18:32 NCV Indeed who is God ( Eloah ) except the LORD.
The offer is:- Call on me.
I will rescue (or deliver ) you.
and you will honour me.
We have established who is speaking.
To whom is this offer addressed ?
In Psalm50 God calls His people Ps 50:4 ESV
My people Ps50:7 ESV
My kedroshim Ps 50:5 TLV
My ("holy ones") Ps 50 TLV
My faithful ones Ps 50:5 ESV
The people of the God of Abraham Ps 47:9 ESV
we are the people of His pasture Ps 95:7 KJV
The offer made still stands.
His sacrifice gives us the freedom
to take up the offer or not.
15 and call on me in the day of trouble;
I will deliver you , and you shall glorify me.
Who is speaking in Psalm 50 verse 15 ?
Psalm 50:1 New Catholic Version
The Lord , God of gods, has spoken.
In Hebrew , a threefold formula for the divine
name that can be translated as
" The Mighty One, God, the Lord ".
Psalm 50:1 Tree of Life Version
God, Elohim, ADONAI has spoken.
Ps 50:6 ESV for God himself is judge
Ps 50:14 ESV perform your vows to the Most High
Ps 50: 14 Tof L fulfill your vows to Elyon
Ps 50:21 NJB You do this, and am I to say nothing ?
Do you think that I am really like you ?
Ps 50:22 NCV Remember this, you who forget God (Eloah)
Ps 18:32 NCV Indeed who is God ( Eloah ) except the LORD.
The offer is:- Call on me.
I will rescue (or deliver ) you.
and you will honour me.
We have established who is speaking.
To whom is this offer addressed ?
In Psalm50 God calls His people Ps 50:4 ESV
My people Ps50:7 ESV
My kedroshim Ps 50:5 TLV
My ("holy ones") Ps 50 TLV
My faithful ones Ps 50:5 ESV
The people of the God of Abraham Ps 47:9 ESV
we are the people of His pasture Ps 95:7 KJV
The offer made still stands.
His sacrifice gives us the freedom
to take up the offer or not.