For St. Athanasius Psalm 100 becomes Christ's invitation
for those he has redeemed
to sing a song of victory.
From Bible Gateway quoting Matthew Henry;-
This song of praise should be considered as a prophecy
and even used as a prayer, for the coming of that time
when all people shall know that the Lord is God,
and shall become his worshipers,
and the sheep of his pasture.
We may prophesy this psalm to the night sky, because
the heavens proclaim the glory of God.
We may prophesy psalm 100 over the sea of Galilee
and the Irish Sea because the Spirit has already moved upon the waters
and because the sea and all that is in it will worship the Lord.
Even the far off islands will rejoice.
The earth shall be filled with the glory of God
as the waters cover the sea.
Psalm 96:11-13 NIV
Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad
let the sea resound and all that is in it.
Psalm 98:4 Shout for joy to the LORD all the earth
burst into jubilant song with music.
Psalm 100 is the word of God and expresses the will of God
and expresses in prophecy, what will be.
for those he has redeemed
to sing a song of victory.
From Bible Gateway quoting Matthew Henry;-
This song of praise should be considered as a prophecy
and even used as a prayer, for the coming of that time
when all people shall know that the Lord is God,
and shall become his worshipers,
and the sheep of his pasture.
We may prophesy this psalm to the night sky, because
the heavens proclaim the glory of God.
We may prophesy psalm 100 over the sea of Galilee
and the Irish Sea because the Spirit has already moved upon the waters
and because the sea and all that is in it will worship the Lord.
Even the far off islands will rejoice.
The earth shall be filled with the glory of God
as the waters cover the sea.
Psalm 96:11-13 NIV
Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad
let the sea resound and all that is in it.
Psalm 98:4 Shout for joy to the LORD all the earth
burst into jubilant song with music.
Psalm 100 is the word of God and expresses the will of God
and expresses in prophecy, what will be.