Monday, 1 September 2014

PSALM 104 Experience of Redemption.

Psalms 103, 104, 105, 106,  and 107 recount the deeds of God
in creation and salvation.
The psalmist praises God for what He has done 
in the redemption of His people.
The psalmist recounts something of the covenant history
of the people and their national experience of redemption.
Our national experience of redemption in Britain
must include the effects on the nation of people who have
lead whole communities from spiritual darkness
into the light of faith.
We would have to include people from;-
St. Alban. and St. Cuthbert through to General Booth and John Wesley
and then from Billy Graham through to Nicky Gumble.
and everyone moved by the Spirit.. 
Like the psalmist we should be grateful 
and our gratitude should prompt our gladness and praise.

Psalm 104:1-3 New Catholic Translation
You are clothed in majesty and splendor,
wrapped in light as a robe
You have stretched out the heavens  like a tent 
You have established Your place upon the waters,
You make the clouds serve as your chariot;
You ride forth on the wings of the wind.

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