Friday, 11 September 2015

PSALM 14 Any Who Seek God

People are rejecting God,s truth or leaving God,s truth to one side.
for convenience !  There is a convenience culture.
Leaving God,s truth aside  for convenience
leads to denying God,s existence for convenience.

We need to relearn how to listen to scripture with fresh ears
and allow it to speak directly to us.
The words of God received in faith
project into our imagination and our memory
speaking to the heart in the power of the Spirit.

that you may stand perfect and complete
in all the will of God.                                 Colossians 4:12 NKJV

Blessed is he who reads  and those who hear the words of this
 prophecy (The revelation of Jesus Christ) and keep those things
 which are written in it, for the time is short.
                                                                     Revelation 1:3  NKJV

In contemplation we perceive with our own mind
and divine revelation may filter through to the heart.
If knowledge can be perceived,
light can be shone on that knowledge
to bring to light  wisdom which may be accrued.

The light shines in the darkness and the darkness
 did not comprehend it.                             John 1:5  NKJV
There is darkness in the hearts of men
turned away from the light.
We need faith to believe.
There is knowledge contained in our awareness of history.
Our God given imagination receives an image
of the "man sent by God"  (John).
If we believe he was sent by God
and if we believe his message;-
then the words of scripture become manifest in our imagination,
rest in our memory, and we can contemplate the word of God in our heart.

How could we ever again turn aside from the living  God
and pretend that He is not with us ?

The fool says in his heart, "There is no God"
They are corrupt, their deeds are vile,
 there is no-one who does good.
The Lord looks down from heaven
 on the sons of men
to see if there are any who understand,
 any who seek God.
All have turned aside 
they have together become corrupt;
there is no one who does good, not even one.
Will evildoers never learn--
those who devour my people as men eat bread.
and who call not on the LORD?
                                                                   PSALM 14:1-4   NIV

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