Wednesday 1 February 2017


In Psalm 41 verse 1-3 David reveals the heart of God towards the poor.
and the heart of God towards those who share the same passion for the poor.

Spirit filled believers stand in the grace of the LORD.
This grace transforms our hearts to be good natured,
sympathetic and to have  compassion for the poor, and
a strong desire to understand their concerns and to meet
their needs.

We barely understand all that the LORD JESUS  has done for us
on Calvary. But we know that whatever we do for the poor and afflicted,
we  "do unto Him".
So when you comb the old man's hair and make him comfortable,
the eyes that look back to you are the eyes of Christ.
It is in us to bless and deliver the person who is having a bad day,
or a difficult moment. Blessing and delivering become our
worthwhile ministry.
Salvation and healing is the most pressing need.

Neither love nor the action of the holy spirit
are restricted to a building
or a denomination,
but the joy  of love and the action of the HOLY SPIRIT
within each of us, can transform our own community. 

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