Sunday, 11 October 2015

PSALM 15 Careers

According to the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary Third Edition 1967,
A career is;-                     a race course,
                                  a short gallop at full speed,
                      a persons course or progress through life,
           a profession affording opportunities for advancement.
Psalm 15 gives details of a course of progress through life
                which will afford opportunities of advancement .
                Persons following this career will be blessed
                and live in a stable way , unshaken by change and adversity.

Walk blamelessly and do what is right, maintaining moral standards,
( before God and men)
Speak truth from the heart.
Be a person of integrity.
Speak up for what is right and verbally defend justice and peace.
Take no part in verbal abuse, neither mocking nor disparaging people
in conversation, in song or in hurtful humour.
Neither do wrong to to fellow men, nor take unfair advantage over anybody.
Do not leave other people's children hungry or without medical attention,
or without a good education, or without a home,
 and never use another persons need to your own advantage.
A good salesman will extol the benefits of his own products
without knocking the opposition ! It would be better if politicians
justified their own policies without maligning other politicians.
Casting a slur on others does nothing to enhance themselves.
Discern the actions of those who are harming people,
and doing harm to society.
Hitler is not the only tyrant in living memory.
The wicked need to be identified and strongly opposed.
Those who despise the vile man and honour the God fearing members
of the community, are in harmony with the will of God.
The truth must be spoken and defended in every walk of life.
Evil must be confronted and justice allowed to prevail.
Participating in the fight for justice and peace is second nature
to those who choose to live in the presence of the GOD who
 identifies with the poor and afflicted.
Bribery and corruption can be seen to hold back the development
of countries where there there is no integrity in public life.
Those who follow God's career plan
become pillars of the community
and continue to grow in the love and knowledge of the LORD
A man who's word can be depended upon, keeps his promises.
All commerce is built on trust.
All that can be done to build mutual trust is positive
for people and nations.
If politicians and other people in the media, lived in the will of God,
malicious deriding attitudes would disappear and their programs
would sound less immature.
The same applies to a persons course or progress through life.
The psalmist advocates a career in the will of God.

I keep my eyes always on the LORD.
with Him at my right hand 
I will not be shaken.
                                     Psalm 16:8

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