Wednesday 7 October 2015

PSALM 15 Qualifications

Psalm 15 is the word of God.
Can we see what our God is saying to us today?
Does He still require "Workers of righteousness" ?
The answer is Yes, there are several vacancies,
and the qualifications for these jobs are;-

a      Those who obey God in everything
b      and always do what is right,
c      whose words are true and sincere.
                                                                  PSALM 15:2
                                                                  GOOD NEWS TRANSLATION
A shortlist for those required today includes;-
        Those who lead blameless lives
        who walk with integrity
        and speak the truth from sincere hearts.
Those who seek these positions should know,
        " I will look with favour  on the faithful of the land
           that they may dwell with me;
           He who walks in the way of the blameless
           shall minister to me.                    PSALM 101:6

It will be good working here because our fellow employees
will all be people ;-
           whose tongue utters no slander
           who do no wrong to a neighbour
           and cast no slur on others,          Psalm 25:3  NIV
           Those who despise flagrant sinners 
           and honour the faithful followers of the LORD
           and keep their promises even when it hurts.
                                                                 PSALM 15:4

Those who take joy in doing what is right,
are disgusted by paedeophiles, human traffickers, drug dealers ,
corrupt piliticians, fraudulent business people and other thieves.
People really prefer to deal with those who can be  trusted,
who are dependable and would not undertake anything they
could not see their way to fulfill.

Psalm 15  A Psalm for David
LORD,  who may lodge in your tent ?
Who may dwell in your holy mountain?
One of blameless life, who does what is right
and speaks the truth from the heart;
who has no malice on his tongue,
who never wrongs his fellow,
and tells no tails against his neighbour;
who shows his scorn for those the LORD rejects,
but honours those who fear the LORD
who holds to his oath even to his own hurt,
who does not put his money out to usury,
and never accepts a bribe against the innocent.
He who behaves this way will remain unshaken.
                                                    REVISED ENGLISH BIBLE

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