Tuesday 7 January 2014

Psalm 58, A Mirror

In verse 1-2 of Psalm 58 the psalmist accuses those in authority,
they are charged with violence and injustice.
In verse 3-5 the wicked are accused of lying and wrong doing.
Since this is a psalm they are accused before God in prayer.
    In the West we make choices every day which doom Chrome miners to a wretched life.
Rhodium miners are shot for striking because they cannot afford education for their children.
Children who harvest coffee get no education because they are working for pennies
to help support their families sustain life itself.
Little old ladies , in twin sets, sip tea while their pension fund depends on bonded labour.
Each of us exercise power and authority in every choice we make, however casual.
Like deaf adders we in the West turn a deaf ear to the advocates of justice !
Verse 6-9 calls for violent defeat of the wicked !
Is Psalm 58 a mirror in which we can see ourselves ?
And are we a people who are willing to change?
Verse 10-11 contains prophecy that the righteous will triumph
when judgement falls upon the wicked. !!!

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